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Mediterranean Monday: Cold Lentil Salad

For the last few weeks I have been craving lentils. A real deep lusty craving. And they say that when your body craves something, it is trying to tell you that you are lacking a particular nutrient, mineral or vitamin. So, since my craving didn’t involve something illegal or unhealthy… I thought I should listen. Read more

Mediterranean Monday: Pasta con Cime di Rapa

Cime di Rapa, also known as Rapini, Broccoli Rabe (or Raap or Raab), Broccoletti, Broccoli di Rape, Rape, Rappi or Friarielli is a veggie commonly found in many of the dishes of Southern Italy (in particular Basilicata , Puglia and Sicily). Read more

Mediterranean Monday: BBQ Season

Every Sunday afternoon, for the past number of weeks, my neighbour has been torturing me with the most amazing and delicious barbeque smells coming from over the fence. I haven’t seen an invite to join in yet but if I don’t get one soon, I may just have to crash his next Sunday lunch. So, in honour of the BBQ season that is now upon us, today’s Mediterranean Monday recipe is the easiest one of all: STEAK Tuscan-style. Read more